Since last year I've gave out my goals for Project: NG, hoping to reach these expectations by the end of it, but sadly I couldn't make it this far, at least got 1 character almost done. But this just came to mind, how can I make a game without primary experience for it? My experience came from animating sprites and making chiptune covers. Plus Project: NG has a lengthy scope that is set in stone, even so it's ambitious for my first project. So I need a plan to justify it, how can I even label myself as a gamedev if I didn't release a game yet? I mean I had gamemaker studio in my library for a long time and I haven't found the time to use it. Well here's my plan...
I'm planning on making small side projects, games I mean, but not the special kind something more so arcade like, it's cheesy, chiche'd and bare bones but just bare with me here, I need experience, I need to justify myself being a gamedev without a game to label myself with. I still got my character Selena, she probably needed a proper debut anyway besides art.
Don't take this as me going on hiatus from P:NG, I just need to stretch the muscles that's all. I'm still gonna make the main game, but I think it would be more ideal if I can make something fun and playable before I start calling myself a gamedev.
As for art, I can still do that alongside the games, even music too, I still plan on making my music more original, as the market demands diversity and creativity. Euphoria was a hit, not as big as the other covers but you know what I mean, I believe that kind of music, especially euphoric music, is easy to make and I love listening to them, it's a win win.
Sometimes taking a break from your big project to work on some smaller ones is just what you need. And the insight and experience you gain will help you to make your main project even better!