It's been quite a while since my last dev log. And I've been hard at work making the game itself.
Let's see what we got since the last log...
There's a new name for the game, "Inn & OUT!"
Logo looks nice.
Oh I'Ive programmed basic enemy behavior, lives, a death state and a game over screen.
This footage didn't have the proper GUI made.
It took me a few days just to get that working just right, figuring out how to pause the game and such.
The music was made in Furnace Tracker with the Namco WSG chip.
I also programed stairs for people who don't feel like jumping to another floor
I got the HUD mostly working, along with working score and a CRT filter
It's toggled with a debug key for now, but I'll find something to give players an option to turn it on and off.
I wish I can get a semi-fisheye lens filter too, but this is the best I can do.
and that's not the last of it, I made a screen border for the web versions for the game, for now. Me and Kokorohatsaru made it, I did most of it however, for portable versions I may find a way to toggle that too.
I have just about 28 things left to do for the game, I can't wait to release this to the public, see you soon!
Cool seeing people realise the potential hotel Mario actually had